Auxiliary Board

Our Auxiliary Board is made up of community members who love the ballet and support the arts in the Denver community.

Colorado Ballet Auxiliary is completely volunteer run. If you are interested in serving as a board member or on a committee, please contact  Board positions are filled annually but we often have available positions throughout the year.

2024/25 Auxiliary Board

Executive Board Positions

Co-Presidents Kathleen Hartmann & Hayley Servatius
Immediate Past Co-Presidents Christie Del Ciotto & Myra Skinner
VP Finance/Treasurer Kelly Matthews
Secretary Ghislaine Bruner
Co-VPs Sugarplum Program Kim Bruetsch, Kelly Matthews & Holly Price
VP of Social Events Carolyn Moorman

Executive Board Positions transitioning to Appointed Board Positions
Website/Communications Distribution Jacque Terrasi
Member Administration/Liaison Corinne Price

Appointed Board Positions
Governance Ghislaine Bruner
Historian Melinda Pasquini
Member Events Chair, Fancy Footwork Christie Del Ciotto
Public Relations Chrissy Fedorowicz
Sugarplum Program Chair Holly Hockemeier
Sugarplum Advisor, Board Advisor Holly Price
Sugarplum Advisor, Past Program Chair Katie Johnson
At-Large Kelsey Dworkis
At-Large Amanda Kinsey
At-Large Meredith Milshtein
At-Large Robin Morris
At-Large Lexi Payne
At-Large Sarah Payne
At-Large Katie Roberts
At-Large Brittany Rogers
At-Large Stephanie Ruark
At-Large Nicki Schiller
At-Large Nancy Stevens
At-Large Kathleen Tate
At-Large Tiffany Tuell
At-Large Anya Winslow